Cover 7

The Wicked We Have Done

The Wicked We Have Done

2014 • 272 pages


Average rating4


I'd been looking forward to reading The Wicked We Have Done since I first heard of this epic-sounding NA novel, and now, having read it, I can say it definitely lived up to my expectations and more.

What immediately caught my interest about Wicked was that it's not a typical Contemporary Romance New Adult novel—not to speak badly of Contemporary Romance NA, (I've read some excellent CR NA such as this one and this one) but I, for one, get very excited when I see some variation in the NA market.

Being that I love edge-of-your-seat-type novels, I was pretty psyched about this one—and it definitely didn't disappoint.

What I loved about Wicked was how it kept me guessing—every page had me wondering what would happen next, and how Evalyn would survive, or if she even would. Not only that, but I found myself sympathizing with some truly dark characters, and even growing attached to them—something that I adore, because it's a sign of really fantastic character development and building.

What's even more exciting about this already thrilling book is that it really fits the New Adult category. Evalyn isn't a typical college student—she's practically on death row—but she still deals with many of the same struggles, fears and insecurities as other NA-aged characters. Her voice fits the category beautifully, and to me, Wicked serves as unequivocal proof that NA Speculative Fiction can definitely be successful.

I'm giving The Wicked We Have Done 5/5 stars and recommend it to anyone interested in trying out a different side of New Adult, who also loves thrilling, edge-of-your-seat novels.

March 26, 2014Report this review