The Wolf at the Door
2018 • 288 pages


Average rating3.6

  • 4.5 stars

    – edited a few days later after finishing book 2: i keep thinking back on this and wondering why i rated this only 4 stars??? which is by no means a bad rating, but. i loved this. i think i have a hard time justifying 5 stars for mlm romance written by women unless i know they're queer, and i only just found out this author is queer. so. i'm leaning into the rating lol sorry for the confusion

    this book has everything i want for a good time. it's gay. the plot is expertly crafted and woven and hits every beat. it's angsty but never gets stuck on it. it's gay. there's werewolves. the investigation and twists along the way were riveting. gr8 banter and a slooowww burn. i felt like i was THERE in maine in the woods etc with them. wonderful side characters. the story fed me pieces of everything perfectly. the ending was so good. i loved both mcs. did i mention it's gay. all i do is win????????

    not a full 5 stars just bc i felt like i had trouble keeping track of all the names of the victims and their stories for a bit, until some events became clearer. it's entirely possible that was my adhd brain sabotaging me, idk. DIVES HEAD FIRST IN TO BOOK 2
January 22, 2020Report this review