The Woman in the Window

The Woman in the Window

2018 • 429 pages


Average rating3.6


I like to try to read books that have movies or shows coming out soon, so when I saw that Netflix was making this with Amy Adams in the lead role I grabbed the audiobook from the library.

This was okay. It's an unabashedly Hitchcockian and pulpy thriller, and it does a pretty good job of it. There are twists and turns, and thrilling moments, but there wasn't anything overly inventive or memorable about it. Also the ending was stupid.

I think it'll make for a pretty schlocky movie, but there's enough talent involved that I hope it's a fun thriller at least.

A final note about the audiobook: After it was over there was a segment where the narrator did a Q&A with the writer. I wish more audiobooks did stuff like that.

April 21, 2021Report this review