The Wright Boss
2017 • 320 pages


Average rating3


This cover is OK in a generic cover sort of way. The technicalities are all there. It has great composition. The typography is eye catching, and the neon green makes the title POP. It is similar to book one so nice consistency through the series so far. It is just a little bland. It doesn't really represent the story found within. It is a cover that could be used for a million other romance books with no problem.

I actually ended up enjoying this one. It had one issue that stopped it from getting a higher rating, and I will get into that is a second, but it was better than book one for me. The drama in this one was a lot less Jerry Springer like. I found it to be well-written and nicely paced. I was never bored or felt the need to skim. Both main characters were fairly likable. It had a nice array of secondary characters. It had angst. It had OW drama. It had some hot sex scenes. All wrapped up with a fairly decent epilogue.

My major issue with this one and why it doesn't get a higher rating is the timeline in which the whole book took place. I would have REALLY preferred the hero to have been recently divorced and not just separated. The entire book takes place while he is still married. Right at the start, we learn Landon had an argument with his wife (Miranda) and flew home. Mere hours later he is making out with the heroine and making plans to make her his. Miranda shows up the next day, and Landon decides to give their marriage one last chance. Ummm...OK, with that decision he just became a cheater IMO. Now to be fair the reconciliation only lasts the plane ride home, then he puts the wheels in motion for the divorce. We then skip one month into the future, and he is now back home and the heroine's boss. So begins their romance. He also says to Miranda on a couple of occasions “I never cheated on you” Well that's not really true, is it? Along with the aforementioned make-out sesh, he and the heroine almost slept together months previously when he was still VERY married. So at the very least, he was emotionally cheating on his wife already back then. The whole scenario with him still being married just didn't sit right with me.

The next book in the series is Austin's, and I am straddling the fence about reading it. Austin is a raging alcoholic and an asshole. EVERY time we see him in book one and two he is drunk. On top of that, his family doesn't seem too interested in helping him as they always talk about it like it's no biggie. I mean in this book he was drunk AT WORK and no one seemed to care! We get a small excerpt from his book at the end of this one, and he is STILL drunk and going after his heroine. I honestly have NO desire to read a whole book about an alcoholic hero. Nor do I wish to read a whole book with a hero going through recovery. But curiously killed the which side of the fence I fall on is yet to be decided.