Cover 3

The Yellow Oak

The Yellow Oak


Average rating4


The author, Victor Vahl, very kindly sent me a copy to read! So here's a bit of a review! 

The story starts out as what I thought would be a kind of monster jump-scare, discovery kind of novel. However it quickly turns into something different, worse. 

To me, one of the scariest kinds of horror is good psychological horror. Something that can get inside your head, something that can get to you. It's funny that the blurb mentions the Lighthouse because while I was reading I was thinking to myself that I was finding it really frustrating to continue. Kind of exactly how I felt sitting through the Lighthouse in the theater. Finally I realized that it wasn't the writing that was frustrating me in a negative way, but the story itself pulling me along for the journey. It was making me feel what the characters had to be feeling. Although I have yet to watch the 2002 movie Cabin Fever, I feel like this is probably right on par with what people will think and feel (although please note both plots are vastly different!). Both because of setting, and the actual term of ‘cabin fever.' 

What if you were not only stuck, but you were actually transported to another place, time, world, or reality? Trapped has a whole new meaning when there's no where else to go, when there is no home. To me this was incredibly cool (I mean horrific) and original. It's unlike anything else I've read so far honestly. 

Definitely worth a read for any horror or psychological horror fans. Or maybe even not for horror fans because honestly it's written with an easy, but we'll done style to it. The book can be bought in multiple formats right off Amazon! 

November 19, 2021Report this review