Then the Stars Fall

Then the Stars Fall

2014 • 441 pages

I love reading m/m romance set in rural America (even though I'm European and far removed from it) and this is one of the best I've encountered so far. The prose was breathtaking at times, truly gorgeous. The author does such a wonderful job connecting you to the characters and making you empathize with them. The focus is very much on making this town and its people come alive on paper. This atmosphere adds so much suspense and anticipation despite the story being relatively bland at its core. I also loved the way Travis's deceased wife Shannon was remembered throughout the story, her presumed presence often adding a beautiful spiritual aspect despite none of the main characters being religious. It's something I really connected to as an agnostic person.

The pacing was very good, though I agree with some reviewers that the immediate time skip after they decide to give their relationship a go threw me off. I thought the explicit sex scenes were rightfully omitted, but those weeks definitely deserved another chapter. I also wanted to see more of Wesley becoming part of Travis's family rather than being told that it happened. There are enough bits here and there, but it was probably my favorite part of the story.

And while everyone felt very real, the John Wallace character was a bit of a caricature. The chapter from his PoV did not help in that regard. Actually, most of the villainous characters deserved a bit more depth.

All in all, the few nitpicks I had weren't enough to keep this from being a five star read. I look forward to reading more of this author's work.