Average rating4
I think if I had annotated this book and read a physical copy or ebook, I would have enjoyed it more. That said, I still really enjoyed it, I just don't think audiobook is the way to go for this one. My main issue was that the book started kind of slow, so I found myself tuning out quite frequently and then struggling to figure out what was going on when I tuned back in. What made it more difficult was the multiple points of view, so I couldn't keep track of the different story lines super easily. The things I loved about the book were the diverse writing styles for each perspective which made it a bit easier to keep track of the story, the diverse characters and their unique backgrounds, especially how they all intertwined at the end. I also LOVED the climax and the ending. It was written so well, and was full of emotional scenes. The ending was super captivating and definitely made it a book that I would consider going back and rereading in the future so I can annotate it and get more from the story.