Thin Skin: Essays

Thin Skin: Essays


Average rating4.5


I've been sitting with this one for a whole day and I'm still struggling to come up with a decent review, so, here, have a rambling mess and my assurance, for what it is worth, that this collection of essays is far more coherent and intelligent than my review.

This collection made me feel seen, reading it felt like sitting with a friend who just gets it, not that she knows what we need to do to fix it all but she's knows what's up and she can commiserate and she won't think your silly for knowing and spending a lot of time considering the details of your cats' personalities or for the numerous and sometimes contradictory anxieties we all seem to struggle with.

What else does she just get exactly? Well for starter she really gets that quintessential millennial feeling of wanting to be an “old person” now, of wanting to slow down, to tend to our own garden (be it actual or figurative) but also that urge, that itch and urgency of being productive at all times and the contradiction of it all that we can't escape.

She also gets that capitalism is impossible to avoid and impacts every aspect of our lives and relationships no matter how hard we try to be a proverbial island. That the unavoidable influence of capitalism on our lives is lifetimes in the making and that she doesn't need to tiptoe around saying it. I could go on but I think you get the idea.

I received an eARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

March 3, 2023Report this review