Things I Should Have Said: Family, Fame, and Figuring it Out

Things I Should Have Said

Family, Fame, and Figuring it Out



Average rating2.5


This book was just okay. I can't really comment on how truthful everything is because.. do we really know? I'm not really sure the title of the book fits. I think she could have picked something that better encapsulated the book.

This book feels incomplete and rushed. I wanted to hear more about her time on Nickelodeon (and maybe some potential Dan Schneider gossip). I wanted to hear more about her interactions with Britney, especially when she was dating Justin, who Jamie Lynn loved so much apparently.

I liked how she was open about her family struggles (aside from Britney), and the chapter about her daughter's accident was really intense. 

I'd recommend this to fans of Jamie Lynn, but not sure I'd recommend to fans of Britney, or pop music in general.

August 9, 2023Report this review