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This Day Changes Everything

This Day Changes Everything


Average rating3.5


actual rating: 3.5⭐️

This book is endearing and sweet and light-hearted all the other synonyms out there!

The one thing I really want to touch on in this review is that this book does an amazing job of building our main characters: Abby and Leo. In the span of one day, of getting to know each other, and hanging out; they change in their respective ways. There's so many discussions packed into this book all related to queerness, identity, existing as a transgender person in a heteronormative society, deciding to label yourself or not...just so much that young readers especially those in high school will find relatability and comfort with.

I will say this book felt like a Lifetime movie especially with the backdrop of this novel being winter in New York City. Abby being the sunshine in this sunshine x grumpy pairing believes in the magic of the city/universe while Leo does not—at least not at first. I think one of the things about this book I find a bit unrealistic even though the book weaves in some of that New York traffic realness into the story, is the fact that their legs didn't completely give out at the end of their twelve hour adventure. For those that don't know: New York City sidewalks are LONG, like as someone that used to live in the city, I was like how are they not tired? But also I have to say I loved the hints of New York in this book even if I do think that there definitely should've been more people giving them a dirty look for standing in the middle of a sidewalk (just saying).

I do wish there was an epilogue of some sort because the end while sweet, it lacked a bit in the sense that I had some unanswered questions. What did Leo's relatives say and how did his parents handle that? How are Abby and Leo making this long distance relationship work? Does Abby come out in some form to her parents even if she decides not to label herself? I love a good epilogue where it's a couple months into the future and we see a snapshot of the characters' lives after the main events in the book.

If you love books about young queer love, this story right here is 100% for you.

Thank you to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

February 17, 2024Report this review