Cover 4

This Is Not How It Ends

This Is Not How It Ends

2020 • 342 pages


Average rating4.7

Jeff SextonSupporter

Solid. Then Waterfall. I've heard a lot of friends talking about this book for a few months, and even though I had it already there were always more pressing deadlines, so I didn't actually manage to read it until release day. And damn. For the first 2/3 ish of this book, it is solid but on par with the level expected from Lake Union Publishing - a high ish standard already, as they've never once let me down and given me a subpar book. But then you get to the last 1/3 ish of this text and suddenly your eyes are effectively waterfalls for the next 100 pages or so. And I began to see why so many friends were praising this book so highly. Truly excellent work, and very much recommended.

January 2, 2020Report this review