Those Pricey Thakur Girls
2013 • 400 pages


Average rating4


The story paints a wonderfully colorful image of the Thakur household with all the eccentricities as well as the differences in personality. this was set in the 1980's after the murder of then prime minister Indira Gandhi as well as the roots that took place after. (Ps I lived in Singapore my whole life so if any information about history is wrong I apologize)the manner in which the storyline was entwined with the actual history gave the book some dimension as well as to create a more believable situation this also created better character studies for the main character as well as the problems that they were facing. overall a wonderfully written book

to those reading it don't be afraid of the hi-glish. As a Tamilian myself it took some getting used to but my experience watching Hindi movies helped a lot. but even if you have not experienced what so ever you can still make it through and enjoy it

May 19, 2020Report this review