Three Blind Dates
2017 • 386 pages


Average rating3.8


Books, Coffee & Passion

I fell in love while reading this blurb. I just had to know who would win Noely's heart! It was one hell of a ride, I loved every moment and even though I actually thought, at first, that I already had a favorite... Meghan Quinn pulled my heart strings so perfectly that I really couldn't choose!
First of all, my expectations were crazy high because the blurb was so good! I started to read Three Blind Dates the second it hit my Kindle and I couldn't put it down. I had to know, you know? #TheSuit, #TheRebel or #TheJock?! Honestly, it was like I was watching it on screen, like The Bachelor or something, I can't explain it exactly and this might sound a little insane but it's exactly how it felt for me.
Noely is a morning show host, she's beautiful, sassy, funny (I laughed out loud with her SO many times!), smart and genuine, she loves her job, her best friend and co host, her crazy brother and her sister-in-law and she's hoping to find love. But dating nowadays has so many rules and with her hectic schedule, it's definitely not easy. So, why not try a dating app?
Enter the Suit, the Rebel and the Jock. Meghan managed to kept me hooked through all of this amazing story, I was a little afraid that the fact that Noely was searching for her HEA and her soulmate while considering her options would make me loose my interest, because I'm not a huge fan of a triangle (square?) kind of thing but that never happened. The way everything happened, how the sequence of events was written and her inner dialogue made her story reasonable and consistent. It was so easy to relate to Noely, her choices, her doubts, her fears and her strengths. I was rooting so much for this girl!!! Anyway, I had a hard time choosing between the Suit, the Rebel and the Jock. I loved all three of them for different reasons and there were moments when I wanted to slap and kiss and hug (and jump?!) each one. Truly, I did. Meghan Quinn did an amazing job with this story and I am so excited for the next story... featuring one of Noely's dates... And if you want to know more, you have to read Three Blind Dates: highly recommended, a must read, a beautifully written romantic comedy.

December 31, 2017Report this review