Three Dark Crowns
2016 • 416 pages


Average rating3.7


This was alright.
It is NOT what's promised by the cover synopsis. There is no battle to the death between three sisters, there are no terrible moral decisions between family and survival. No no, this novel is entirely about the PREPARATIONS for that. As long as you know that going in, it is not a bad book.

Sure, the focus is mostly on the numerous romances and love triangles/squares/whatevers that spring up like mushrooms, but underneath all that, there are three very intriguing sisters living in three different but no less intriguing surroundings.
More focus on the side characters wouldn't have hurt. To me, most of them were just random names that randomly say stuff. Only the protagonists and their lovers had any personality. And of course the scheming people in the background, but they also kind of blur into the same person.

So yeah, it's a flawed book, it's not what marketing says it is but it has potential. And after this, the second book is definitely going to be that royal Battle Royale we were all kind of hoping for.

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October 30, 2016Report this review