天涯客 [Tiān Yá Kè] Faraway Wanderers

天涯客 [Tiān Yá Kè] Faraway Wanderers

999 pages


Average rating4


3 1/2 for wenzhou supremacy and Chengling being the cutest disciple in existence ♥ (I'm biased, don't judge me).

While clearly not one of Priest's best works (looking at you SPL), the story enfolds nicely and the brevity of this tale makes for less talking and more action. I actually like that the story progressed faster than usual. This made for a high-paced reading jammed with information about the pugilistic world. Priest did a splendid job of introducing each character well enough for me to quickly become attached to many of them and, in true Priest fashion, her wit and charm as a writer came through on each page and reminded me of her later works where she really “layed it on thick.” I look forward to volume 2!

April 7, 2021Report this review