Average rating3.9
Overall, if you enjoy the Vlad Taltos books, I would find it hard to believe you wouldn't like this. Moreover, if you also enjoyed the Khaavren books, you'll finally get to see the joining of those two “lines” in this novel.
The book essentially includes 3 “Parts” or novellas which are all connected by a thread. The first part concerns an episode from Vlad's past, primarily during the time of his engagement to Cawti.
The second part focuses on a consequence to this first episode, told in Cawti's perspective, but involving Norathar, the Empress, and the Countess of Whitecrest (Khaavren's wife). This occurs after Vlad and Cawti's separation while Vlad is apparently back East somewhere.
The final part is told from Khaavren's perspective, similarly to that you've seen in the books focused on the head of the Phoenix Guards. Yes, including some of the same banter and stylistic elements you'd expect in those books. This was excellently done, however, and you really get to see the care that the Empress has for Vlad and you see the respect for him grow in Khaavren throughout as well.
If you're looking for “all the answers” to the dangling plotlines in the series, you are definitely not going to find them. Besides, there's going to be at least one book for each of the houses in the cycle anyway. Duh.
If you're looking for deep and thought-provoking reading... why on earth are you reading the Vlad books? These are meant to be light, fun, fast-paced reads with action and humor. Maybe tinged with a little dark reality, but still. Be realistic.
If you've read the other books in the series (either series, really) then you probably ought to just go ahead and get and read it. You know you're going to do so eventually :)