To Be a Runner

To Be a Runner

2019 • 272 pages


Average rating1


A former manager gave me this book close to 7 years ago, as she knew I was a runner (very thoughtful!). I just decided to pick it up now, hoping it would inspire me as I move into my marathon taper. Not so! Honestly, this book is a disappointment. The author clearly thinks himself witty and self-deprecating while also a master of prose and it comes off arrogant and cheesy. There were some relatable passages, but mostly this is a part-memoir, part “here's why running is great and how to do it” coming from a washed-up, middle-aged writer and cross-country coach. I hate to be scathing and probably a runner snob but I found the author unlikable and so little of interest or value here, having myself 15+ years of competitive running experience, and having read many good books about running. Honestly, I don't see this being very interesting or helpful to new runners, either. I say skip it.

November 10, 2021Report this review