Cover 4

To Exist is to Resist

To Exist is to Resist: Black Feminism in Europe


Average rating4



“Those Who Fight For Us Without Us Are Against Us: Afrofeminist Activism in France” by Cyn Awori Othieno and Annette Davis on behalf of Mwasi Collectif
In France self-labelled antiracist organisations along with the status quo cry ‘reverse racism' not just when trying to shut down Black feminist events. There is pushback and dismissal anytime experiences of racism are publicly discussed, anytime whiteness is not invisibilised as ‘normal,' when we do not tiptoe around centuries of violent history swept under the carpet.

“Cruel Ironies: The Afterlife of Black Womxn's Intervention” by Cruel Ironies Collective
Confronting the appropriation of Black feminist thought while non-Black women of colour and dominant groups silence Black women in academia

“Creating a Space Within the German Academy” by Melody Howse
Speaking up against and excavating anthropology's colonialist roots

“A Manifesto for Survival” by Sadiah Qureshi
Surviving and transforming academia

“But Some of Us Are Tired: Black Women's ‘Personal Feminist Essays' in the Digital Sphere” by Kesiena Boom
The commodification of Black women's pain in white-controlled publishing

Note: Claire Heuchan (Sister Outrider) is anti-trans

October 13, 2020Report this review