Average rating3.8
What to say about this book. It's beloved but didn't hit for me.
I loved the start (though I wished it would hurry along a tad. Took too many pages to get to the school) and I ADORE the neurodivergent rep in this. The characters leapt from the page but that's where my enjoyed of this ended.
There is a tension that is missing throughout the narrative if this book. A threat of the MC loosing her dragon if she fails and yet it's mentioned once with no tension after or fear. Things happened in this book but they failed to connect in a cohesive plot. Little to no character development. It was boring.
I wanted more from the book. More exploration on the school and frankly more dragons. For a dragon book there is very little dragons in it.
Seeing the life native Americans lived through the lense of the MC was a lovely insight. I enjoyed the culture and their ways immensely.
It's a shame this book failed for me I started off loving it.