Average rating3.6
Final thoughts: This book is a fucking ride. It's pretty graphic, not something I'm usually into, but it really made me connect with the characters. If you can power through the graphicness then it's a really good read. It's not your typical romance in the slightest, it's definitely more of a thriller. I really, really enjoyed it because it kept me on the edge of my seat. I completely understand if it's not for everybody, but I definitely enjoyed it.
Some of the writing is eh, and like I said it's pretty graphic. But I enjoyed it.
I think that the audiobook is part of why I liked it so much. The narrator for asa was just a despicable sounding human being. God, I wanted to choke that bastard.
All of that being said, there were several things that really pissed me off about this book. Of course, some of the content is going to piss you off, if it doesn't then you are not a normal human being, but that's not what bothered me. What did bother me was the weird structure at the end. There was no need to label the first epilogue as an epilogue, I could have just been more chapters in the book proper. That was a very strange choice.
Another very strange choice was naming the child Dalton? Like why the fuck would you choose to do that? Makes absolutely no sense unless Colleen forgot that she already used the name? They should have named the kid Drew, that would have made so much sense and been a nice payoff.
Speaking of her brothers, what the fuck happened to Stephen? It's like Colleen just used her for the plot twist and then left him hanging. We didn't get any sort of satisfying wrap up at all, and it's weird that Asa didn't try to use him against Sloan during the final showdown. I was really hoping maybe Stephen would connect really closely with their baby and it'd be some sort of amazing breakthrough since he doesn't connect with many people at all, but nope! No mention of Stephen whatsoever