Average rating5
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This is a story about DRM and IP piracy; something one can imagine Big Finish have quite an issue with, working on the margins of profitability as they do. It's most notable for being produced in the form of an apparently corrupted audio file, with skips, jumps, distortions, repeateateateateats, static, and, at times, random clips of content from other stories in the series. It's obviously a matter of taste whether you'll find that clever, or just annoying, but it worked for me.
The plot? Well, it's very Torchwood, with Toshi investigating a series of disappearances linked to a torrent download service that, naturally enough, turn out to have an alien component to them. It's a high-tech story that fully uses Toshi's computer skills as well as filling in some of her personal background and obviously has a strong link to a particular modern issue. At least to my mind, it avoids becoming preachy (although this may depend on how strongly you feel about DRM) instead using its themes to present a sort of modern horror, turning everyday acts into a source of menace.
It's a unique production - although it's probably just as well that it isn't any longer - and one that uses the “corrupted” data theme well, often taking advantage of it to apply context to particular lines by flipping to something else that's nonetheless relevant. It's been a while since BF have done anything quite this experimental and this pulls it off.In summary, I ʬ֍ؾ₴ █ ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐☺