Tortured Life
2015 • 164 pages


Average rating2


I received this copy in exchange of an honest review, for so, none of my feelings were affected or biased by the author or publisher.

If you'd like to read this review on my blog.

Updated: 12/18/2015

Rating: 2/5 stars.

In tortured life, we hear about the story of Richard, and how his life slowly turned bad by his very special gift. Now, at his lowest point, an even occurs that gives him a new reason to stay alive, and actually, fight to stay alive.

When I was looking for new graphic novels to read in NetGalley (because honestly, they're so easy to read) and I saw this, I was really excited. It sounded like something that I could definitely like. But, something that I've come to realize, is an indicator of a possible bad story, is that the blur doesn't really talk about the plot. It talks about general storyline. When I read this, I wasn't sure of what was coming, but if I had known it was going to turn into this? I would have saved time and just don't read it.

I was expecting some fun, adventurous, filled with paranormal story. Instead, I got an unnecessary story, with unnecessary fillings and one hell of a weird out come. I swear, if I had read the final part with the first half, I wouldn't have guessed it was the same.

The story of Richard having a gift to see how people die sounded awesome, Sad for him, but awesome for me to read. But that wasn't it. There was also a weird plot about a weird ghost-avenger who wanted to kill him just because. And then the ending. The ghost was himself? And he was a clone? Of a guy who had a twin? Or was it the twin the ghost? Or was it the combination of both? All the same, the ending felt really rushed, and it felt like it hadn't been planned out at all, but rather a spur-of-the-moment kind of word-vomit. It was all over the place, and I'm not sure it made complete sense.

Also, it was really grotesque. But like, really, unnecessary grotesque. It had people's brains and guts flying all over the place, and blood pouring out of the paper. And it was like the author knew his story wasn't that good and decided to stick all that blood so that people would stay. Don't get me wrong, I normally don't complain about that. The realest the better. And when I started reading this, I felt it might be that way. But then it just got ridiculous.

The art style wasn't exactly pretty, and at times I wasn't sure of what the surroundings really where. Other than that, it was an enjoyable piece of work, without the guts.

Even thought all this, I did enjoy some of this. It wasn't a complete and total disaster. It was fast paced, at least the first part, and kind of gripping.

I don't think you should waste much time with this. And not everyone likes all this gross blood gutsy. Nah, I've wasted time.

Initial Reaction

Meh, I didn't like this. It had a good premise, and I only expected it to be adventurous and fun. But it had a really poor execution and nothing really happened. Also, it was confusing and had really grotesque scenes everywhere, that just became unnecessary.

Proper reviews in the morrow.

September 18, 2015Report this review