Average rating4
Squee! What a fun book! I was nearly did not pick up this book due to the main character's name (Kitty Katt?) but I'm oh so glad I did. She sees a guy go from blowing his top over a little fender bender to actually, well, blowing his top - or, at least, blowing his back, by turning into a mutant and murdering the other party, then starting in an many others. What does she do? Run, hide, scream like a baby? Call 911? Trip in her high heels and cower until a he-man saves her?Oh, hell, no!She also doesn't take the super sexy, Armani-clad guys in the know who show up later at face value, a trait I liked almost as much. I may not share Kitty's taste in music, but I do like her. A lot. I like her family too! In fact, I want her family. I want to be adopted into her family. I could happily live without the whole nasty aliens invading our world thing, but her parents are cool. It's refreshing to have a heroine from a good family with cool, living parents for a change.I picked up book two, [bc:Alien Tango 7948544 Alien Tango (Katherine “Kitty” Katt, #2) Gini Koch http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31Oc9ib%2BrrL.SL75.jpg 11556310], right away. After reading it, [a:Gini Koch 3219496 Gini Koch http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1275081028p2/3219496.jpg] is officially my favorite new author. There is one little problem. I want to read [bc:Alien in the Family 8714075 Alien in the Family (Katherine “Kitty” Katt, #3) Gini Koch http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1285844542s/8714075.jpg 13586954] right NOW. Right. This. Minute. Just how firm is that April release date, anyway?