Average rating4.3
Wow, the power this book has oan me!
Tae sais fae the least, it's so brutally honest wi every single anti-social thought ye might huv when ye ur forced tae be born intae this world.
Alright, switch back to normal English. The point I'm trying to make here is, firstly it's the portrayal of Scottish people and the societal conditions during the 1990s, secondly it's about the brooding nihilism and that bit of renegade fight against the system, thirdly it's about life, the philosophy underneath it, maybe you just ought to conform a bit, since it's inevitable, as one of the many sad truths this book has taught us, all fitting very well with my personal philosophy of life. A shame it is.
The writing style is alright, since I don't know why but I've read Dead Men's Trousers first, got a bit used to the dialects.
The most life insights you could ever get from would be mundane life, but isn't a life with mere drug use also a life of mundaneness? It's just the sensual feeling of not getting in touch with reality for a wee bit only.
A very good anti-drug campaign, was it though? I don't think so.
Choose life.