Twice Shy

Twice Shy


Average rating3.6


4.5 stars. This was such a fun and overwhelmingly sweet read. The main characters are some of my favorites that I've come across in a long time. And I'm always here for a good forced proximity trope.

I docked a half star because at first, Maybell comes across as a doormat and very not-like-other-girls. I wasn't sure if that was going to work for her but the author did a great job of showcasing her flaws, making them relatable, and having her grow from them over the course of the story. Wesley, too. I had a really fun time with this story. Laughed out loud several times and couldn't stop grinning over certain things. This was the first book that really gripped me in a long time so I would definitely recommend it.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for honest review.

March 31, 2021Report this review