2005 • 631 pages


Average rating2.9


I am long past the stage of being a Young Adult - being over the 30 threshold however I having been a fan of Anne Rice's vampire chronicles who's grown a little bored of them I was keen to read this book to see if it offered anything akin to the joy of Rice's earlier vampire novels.

I managed to devour this book in a weekend, which having two young children under 5 is no mean feat. It is testament to the joy of Meyers writing and characterisation. The story of Bella, a young teenager trying to fit into a new town and finding herself drawn to the unusual and enigmatic Edward is outstanding.

It is a beautifully written novel, the way in which she builds the relationship between Edward & Bella is a joy to read, the protection which Edward shows towards Bella and the ways she writes about their first kiss and embrace is fantastic as it's a combination of Bella discovering her first teenage love but also hints at something much greater than just teenage love. The sleeve on the book indicated that this would be a relationship that would remain with me past the turning of the last page and they were not kidding. I have been blown away by Meyer's writing and cannot wait to read the next book.

It was great to read a vampire novel that for once wasn't drawn down by trips back to ancient Rome or Greece and without the need for us to endlessly revisit how vampires came to exist. Meyer keeps it light but with enough information to satisfy the reader - a welcome and refreshing change!!!

May 13, 2009Report this review