Undeniable Magnetism

Undeniable Magnetism

2008 • 5 pages


Average rating4


One fine day Simon walks into Jay's bar and the stars align for romance to bloom. This was a lovely surprise made sweeter by [a:Richard Franklin 312425 Richard Franklin https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]'s narration. There's a world separating Jay and Simon but affinity, attraction, and ultimately love are more compelling and bring them together. I like how [a:Bonnie Dee 1166851 Bonnie Dee https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1453816802p2/1166851.jpg] didn't shy away from the differences between Simon and Jay but doesn't let the story dwell on them, making this a treatise on race and class, but rather showing how these can be a bonus and complimentary to a relationship: Jay smoothes Simon's sharp corners and Simon tempers Jay's impulsivity. Together they're beautiful. I liked that by the end they didn't suffer some kind of personality transplant. They continued to be themselves. Just a better version. My one complaint is that I think the author, via Jay & Simon, gives too much leeway to crappy relatives however, in a fit of honesty, I must admit that we probably all do the same in RL. sigh

October 20, 2020Report this review