Under the Lights
2018 • 350 pages


Average rating5


Well HALLELUJAH. I guess it is true what they say about the third time being the charm. After my first two books of 2018 were less than stellar, I had my fingers crossed that this one would be a hit. And I enjoyed this one a lot. Was it perfect? No. It was a bit too long, and the middle section dragged for me but overall it was a fabulous read, and I can't wait to see what the author has in store for us in the conclusion.

So deets...I found this one to be very well written. The pace in the beginning and near the end were both perfect. Like I mentioned above the middle part dragged a little and I found my attention wandering at certain points throughout. The plot was engaging overall, and that is what had me intrigued enough to slog through the slow parts. The angst level was medium. There wasn't any OW drama to speak of. There was some OM drama. The sex scenes were hot and plentiful enough to give the story some heat without taking over the plot. There was a fantastic cast of secondary characters that I hope we will read more about in the second book. Both main characters were very likable. They were also very young 21 (hero) and 20 (heroine). To be honest, they came across older in their portrayal (late 20's), but it wasn't something that bothered me enough to affect my rating. Mark was pretty much perfect. He was strong. Loving. All in from the moment he met Lara. Lara was a little less perfect for me. I struggled with her decisions. I get she had to do what she felt she had to do to support herself and Molly, but geez sometimes it came across like all she cared about was money...money...money.

Last, this one wrapped up in a doozy of a cliffhanger. I am dying to get my grubby little hands on book two because I need to see where the author is headed with this story. From a quick glance at some reviews for book two REVENGE will be the name of the game...squeeee. I love me a good revenge plot. So like I said, third time seem to be the charm for me and yours truly is giving this one two HUGE thumbs up.

January 3, 2018Report this review