Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House

Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House

2018 • 368 pages


Average rating3


Nothing really new about Trump that hadn't made the news long before I made it through the wait list for this book at the library.
Omarosa may be an unreliable narrator, but even taking what she had to say at face value I was most struck by how tone deaf she was, taking so much time to tumble to what a jerk the Donald was and is. I was reminded of Upton Sinclair's famous quote: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” Trump's show made her a celebrity and rich, so I suppose the quote would have to be modified appropriately.
Her jumping from Democrat to Trump's inner circle during the 2016 campaign, which I suppose she is trying to portray as political naivete, seems more like calculated self promotion with little in the way of moral or political compass. Her claim that she was about to quit because she was finally realizing that Trump was a jerk is most probably just her attempt to spin the fact that she was voted off the island of the White House yet again.
Reasonably well written and readable, but assessing her truthfulness would take more effort than I was willing to invest. Under the most charitable assumptions, I was not favorably impressed. Fact checking would be likely to send my already low opinion down through the floor.
Read it if you're sufficiently interested. But it could be profitably skipped otherwise.

November 6, 2018Report this review