Cover 8

Unsolved Serial Killers

Unsolved Serial Killers

10 Frightening True Crime Cases of Unidentified Serial Killers (The Ones You've Never Heard of) Volume 1


Average rating3


Kind of read like a high school report paper. Paragraphs are not indented which messed with my head and flow of reading. Never really heard much on these before (which was the hope) but I don't think this was the deep dive I had kind of hoped for. There was another mistype I saw while reading (can't recall where) and the sentence leads on to

nothing. About like that sentence. It flowed, but the top line was half taken up, then it went to the next line?!?

“...thrived as he

executed (page not known). There was another mistype as well on page 88 with the same thing.

“...after her


Weird but it bothered me. This just wasn't the home run I had hoped for.

October 25, 2023Report this review