Unsuitable - Nicht standesgemäß

Unsuitable - Nicht standesgemäß

2017 • 300 pages


Average rating3.2


Unsuitable is a new standalone from Samantha Towle. I've been a fan of hers for the longest, and let me tell you- this is like nothing she's ever written before! It's much more of a romantic suspense than anything. I loved Daisy, Kas, and their story!

Daisy has spent the last eighteen months in prison. For a crime she did not commit. She was set up by someone she trusted. And the worst part of all? Her younger brother, who she loves more than anything, has been stuck in the foster care system until she can prove that she is fit to get him back. She has a long road ahead of her, but that's all she cares about. All she's focused on. Getting Jesse back.

The job pool is limited for Daisy, being an ex-convict and all, but thankfully, her probation officer finds her a job as a maid at the Matis Estate. Her first day there, she meets her boss. Kastor Matis. Aka Kas. Aka ‘Kas-hole'. His demeanor is not friendly. He's as surly as he is handsome. She can't help be attracted to him, but man... this guy is a jerk. Now, of course, the more time Daisy is with him, the more she sees him. The real him. He has a different side than just the jerk she first met. He is very hot and cold with Daisy. He has secrets he's keeping from her. He knows he should stay away, but Daisy is irresistible to him. I loved watching their push and pull.
Definitely Suitable for My Alpha loving self

November 8, 2016Report this review