Variable Star
2006 • 320 pages


Average rating4.1


A pretty good mimic of Heinlein's style. Sometimes, while reading this, it felt like I had already read it. I very much felt like a 50's Heinlein book.Too much stuff about music. art and meditation,not enough on the ships drive mechanism and the economics of colony ships.When I read most of Heinlein's books and stories as a teenager, his views of women mostly blew right past me. But now I find them out of date and embarrassing.One of the women characters, after discovering that she can marry the main character,is delighted that she can give up on going to college to study law or businessand get down to her important work of making babies.Like most Heinlein books, the world is well developed with the author clearly knowing more than he puts in the story.So, teenage me would have been pleased, but much older me was a little disappointed.If you are a Heinlein fan, by all means read this.If you want to start reading his books, I would start with [b:The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 16690 The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Robert A. Heinlein 1048525]

February 16, 2012Report this review