Average rating3.6
Pretty solid entry in the series, which will hit 50 books and 25 years next year. Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb takes on #MeToo. Lt. Eve Dallas has sympathy for the women who have been victimized and fury at the men who harassed, exploited and abused them but she has no mercy for someone who has decided to take the law into their own hands and start torturing and killing the worst offenders. The identity of the killer becomes apparent halfway through the book, but then the suspense becomes how Eve will gather enough evidence to make a case for a warrant and how many deaths will take place before she does so. Lots of good interactions with Roarke (check out some of the earlier books to see how far Eve has come in terms of opening herself up emotionally in their relationship), Peabody (whose insights really help crack the case), Mira, Nadine, Mavis (who remains my least favorite character), and the rest of the crew. Nothing earthshatteringly original or surprising, but better than its predecessor, [b:Connections in Death 40122012 Connections in Death (In Death, #48) J.D. Robb https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1527709392l/40122012.SY75.jpg 62223091]. On to #50 in 2020!