Very Good, Jeeves!
2011 • 272 pages


Average rating4.1


This collection of humorous stories by Wodehouse once again features Bertie Wooster and his all-knowing manservant Jeeves. As usual all of Wooster's plans, be they to simply relax in the country, avoid various aunts or to sort out his friends who may have gotten themselves into a spot of bother, don't quite go the way he would want them to. The answer is always to call on Jeeves, who can seemingly sort any problem with the greatest of ease.

This kind of collection is the perfect palate cleanser after a heavy read. Jeeves and Wooster are always good company, the stories raise a chuckle or two and, as ever with Wodehouse, they are exceedingly well written.

This is the last of the short story collections, so it's on to the novels next!

May 23, 2022Report this review