Vicious Bonds
460 pages


Average rating4.5


You know when you start a new book and the way the author writes immediately grips you? Then, as you read on, you become more sure with each turn of the page that you're about to have an amazing experience in this world. Yeah, this was that.

I loved both Willow and Caz. I didn't expect the humour. Willow's reactions to the insane situations she found herself in had me laughing out loud. I adored the dynamic between them.
This had everything, and I felt the pace was perfect, from taking a breath as the two mc's connected, albeit reluctantly at first, to the faster-paced action scenes.

Oooh, Shanora William's writing gave me butterflies. I laughed and cried. Oh, how I cried, but it was the good kind of cry, you know? Even during the sad moments. I loved the journey I was taken on, and I love the world of Vakeeli. I can't believe I've been blessed with another 5-star experience so soon after my first 5-star read of 2024, yet this definitely deserves 5 stars.

The journey continues.

January 17, 2024Report this review