Walk It Off: The True and Hilarious Story of How I Learned to Stand, Walk, Pee, Run, and Have Sex Again After a Nightmarish Diagnosis Turned My Awesome Life Upside Down

Walk It Off

The True and Hilarious Story of How I Learned to Stand, Walk, Pee, Run, and Have Sex Again After a Nightmarish Diagnosis Turned My Awesome Life Upside Down


Average rating3


“Hilarious” is a definite oversell here; amusing perhaps, certainly good-natured, but at no point did hilarity ensue. In fact, the only time I laughed out loud was when the narrator acknowledged her weak acting ability. Ultimately, I wasn't even interested enough to finish the book (although, based on the title, I'm assuming she got better and everybody was very proud and told her repeatedly brave she was and they all lived happily ever after.) The characterizations are weak, the dialogue tedious, and there's no dramatic tension to be found for miles.

Free review copy blah blah blah.

December 6, 2017Report this review