Warm Bodies
2010 • 239 pages


Average rating3.9

In my mind I am eloquent; I can climb intricate scaffolds of words to reach the highest cathedral ceilings and paint my thoughts. But when I open my mouth, everything collapses.

I truly loved the first part of the book. Even though I had to ignore everything I knew about zombies and, sometimes, R sounded more like a senile vampire than a zombie, I thoroughly enjoyed his inner monologue. It was so quirky and funny and just very well written. I also loved the abandoned airport setting and his daily routine.

I kept thinking that the book was amazing, until the part where he and Julie got separated, when she took the car to return to the stadium and she left him behind. From there, it felt like I was reading a different book. So many things happened much too quickly, in just a couple of days, and I didn't like that. I don't like it when the flow of a book goes from smooth to rushed. I'm not saying I stopped enjoying the book, but it stopped being perfect.

Another thing that didn't sit that well with me was was the fact that barely anyone thought of R as monster, even though his survival depended on eating the brains of humans he had to kill. Both Julie and Nora let go of the fact that he killed Perry way too quickly. “Perry” forgave R way to quickly. They kept making up excuses for him. But usually people don't react like that. When one finds out their loved one was killed by someone they usually lose it, even if for just an instant. She was supposed to be angry with him and fear him, even if she had to come to a different conclusion later. I know it's fiction and anything can happen but, personally, I would have preferred a more realistic approach to Perry's death.

R is a fascinating character and his relationship with Julie could have been something quite special, but it did not go quite how I'd hoped to. I couldn't feel much chemistry between them after they left the airport. Probably because they didn't have that much time to bond further.

I liked Julie as he wasn't the usual brainless, helpless heroine but
I found it strange that Julie's and Perry's relationship downplayed so much. She once loved that boy, and even if their love was pretty much zombified by the time he died, there had to be a part of her that needed to mourn him.

As you can see, I've had a few issue with it here and there, but overall, very enjoyable book.

January 23, 2012Report this review