Warriors Seven

Warriors Seven



Average rating5


Warriors Seven Warriors Seven is a great read! Get the inside view on SEVEN of America's warriors, and what their lives were like.Barney Sneiderman has delved into the personal and political lives of these great warriors. He not only pinpoints what made them successful, but what really made them tick. What did they think, how did they live, and what were their personal views on some of the issues of their times? Take a brief look into the lives of Benedict Arnold, Andrew Jackson, Winfield Scott, Robert E. Lee, George Dewey, Billy Mitchell and George Patton. Each of these men have been devoted to their own chapter, in order of their time in history. As we dig in to each one, the history feels as though it comes alive, and we are able to see how these men operated. Their stories are not only inspiring, (and in some cases, come with the how not to turn traitor), but give us a chance see how they interacted with their men, their personal correspondence, and their daily drive. As I read through this book, I was able to find some great tidbits and facts that I had not come across before. This book was well laid out, carefully planned and written, and one that history lovers should embrace. As you read through this book, it is easy to take notes in the margins! Take your time and join in the fun of learning about these great warriors!

June 16, 2016Report this review