2020 • 417 pages


Average rating4.3


Re-Read 9/29/21 – 9/30/21

Finding extra layers of goodness in an already memorable series has been one of the pleasures of this epic reread.

As before, I think I pretty much covered my feels about this in my original review, so just some extra thoughts:

* I'm still scratching my head as to why Rebeca insists on ‘making' Hazard socialize with people he'd prefer no to see. Seems a bit pushy.

* This episode is very much about the relationship between fathers and sons and I couldn't help but think that, no matter what our age, we all revert to teenagers in the presence of our parents.

* Somers getting relationship advice from Norman & Gross is both scary and hysterical.

* Hazard's mom calling him ‘Bunny' and ‘Muffin' is beyond cute

December 21, 2020Report this review