Welcome to the Dark Side

Welcome to the Dark Side

2018 • 474 pages


Average rating3.5


An ok read.
This is a dark MC romance, so I wasn't expecting flowers and hearts. The age gap didn't bother me at all but the execution of it wasn't great. The fact that Lou and Zeus meet when they are 7 and 26, respectively, wouldn't have been an issue IF the author handled it well. It wasn't handled well at all. There were some disturbing and avoidable lines that made me cringe. (“I have been waiting 10 years to do this.” -SERIOUSLY??? She was 7!) Also didn't love the fact she was 17 when they start their relationship.
I didn't enjoy Lou's character when she grew up and her relentless pursuit of Zeus felt forced.
Again, the secondary characters seemed more interesting than Zeus and Lou together.
I'm still tempted to read the next one, just because it's a romance between Zeu's daughter and a cop.

November 10, 2021Report this review