Average rating3
Considering how much I adored [b:Well Met 43189874 Well Met (Well Met, #1) Jen DeLuca https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1548353675l/43189874.SY75.jpg 67013218], this was something of a letdown. I didn't feel like there was sufficient groveling for the yearlong catfishing by Daniel, and Stacey forgave him way too easily for what most people would consider a pretty big betrayal - again with female characters basically gaslighting themselves into being okay with completely unacceptable actions by their love interests (looking at you [b:The Boyfriend Project 52211784 The Boyfriend Project (The Boyfriend Project, #1) Farrah Rochon https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1570712674l/52211784.SY75.jpg 73615834]), and seriously, y'all deserve better! Daniel was very underwritten as a character as well, probably because he wasn't really on the page all that much, certainly not enough for Stacey's decision at the end to make sense - you have a degree in fashion merchandising and some talent as a stylist and you quit your job to manage merch for a Ren Faire touring act? I understand wanting to get out of town, but that is a Choice. I liked Stacey and it was fun to return to this setting, but this wasn't quite what I was hoping for, unfortunately.(Review edited 5/21/21 - why did I give this three stars in the first place? Definitely a two-star situation.)