Average rating3.7
3.5 starsI originally picked up the book because the plot reminded me of [b:Remember Me? 1358844 Remember Me? Sophie Kinsella https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1276963901s/1358844.jpg 2855627] By [a:Sophie Kinsella 6160 Sophie Kinsella https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1245821549p2/6160.jpg] (which I liked). I find the whole idea of amnesia intriguing (as fiction that is). What would I think of my life if I lost a big chunk of time, and didn't know how I got here? How would I navigate my life if someone told me that I lost 10 years of my life?I really liked the book to begin with. In fact I was totally ready to give it 4 stars. However I didn't really like the epilogue I didn't think she should have ended up with Nick. He was kind of an ass in my opinion.. Probably an unpopular opinion though, so you should read the book and make up your own mind. I should probably also mention that I'm 22. I might see the world differently when I reach 39..(I read the book in Norwegian, so I can't say much about the language the author used)