Cover 7

What The H/e/art Wants


Average rating4


This tale is a steamy one for sure (and not just in the bedroom), but it also has this lovely, homey vibe that I totally adored.

Meet Jeff, the family court judge, and Iggy, the aspiring law student. They've got a couple of decades between them in age, but there's this cute little fella called Wally - Jeff's charming grandson - who creates perfect moments to bring them together. It all starts when Wally takes a tumble from his not-so-well-assembled new bike. Sure, the age difference is something they have to deal with, especially for Jeff, but their chemistry is on fire and these neighbors simply can't resist each other.

There's this character who stirs up trouble big time. He had a significant effect on Iggy when he was just fifteen and continues to be a hostile presence, even causing tension in his own family. His part in their story adds a real-life touch. He's someone hiding his true self, filled with self-loathing, blaming others and spiraling down a path of self-destruction.

Big thanks to GRR for letting me sneak an early peek at this treasure! Just thought I'd share my two cents about it!

December 11, 2023Report this review