What We Feel
134 pages


Average rating5


Unlike part two that takes up where part one ended, part three starts up nineteen months later. Holden has left Nashville to go back to Georgia to be with Sarah while she undergoes treatment for cancer. He stills writes songs for Thomas and sends them to him but it's just Thomas and CeCe continuing on, playing in bars and clubs as Barefoot Outlook. They've grown together and have become close friends that complement each other on the stage hoping that the two of them alone can catch that break that they thought they had found when Holden was still in the picture. It's only when someone takes interest in one of Holden's song and wants to add it to his new album that things take another turn. He's determined to do the right thing and stay with Sarah leaving the past in the past but she's moved on with someone new and wants Holden to do the same.

Things have changed when Holden returns though, he's now the one that's single and CeCe is the one in a relationship. Can they be around each other every day and pretend that they don't have feelings for each other? Can they be friends who encourage each other's success or will there past break everything and everyone apart? Just when everything seems to be going in the right direction, the bottom drops out and then...all you see is The End. In true fashion of the construction of this series you are left with a cliffhanger that leaves you needing more.

April 10, 2019Report this review