Cover 8

When in French

When in French

2016 • 256 pages


Average rating3.5


There are some people who can write so well that I don't even care what they write about; Lauren Collins is one of these people. I love France, but this book really isn't much about France. I'm somewhat interested in languages but I don't know much about the details of learning them. And often I am bored with memoirs. Nevertheless, I read this book, start to finish, in a wave of absolute fascination. I was fascinated with Collins' observations about trying to make one's way in a world where one can't communicate, especially when one prides oneself on one's proficiency in a first language. I was fascinated with Collins' relationship with her husband, though there were many, many miscommunications. I was fascinated with Collins' thoughts about the confusions and difficulties of people who are trying to learn a language. Collins is a brilliant writer.

January 24, 2017Report this review