When Sparks Fly

When Sparks Fly

2021 • 278 pages


Average rating4.7

Jeff SextonSupporter

Solid Lesbian High School Romance. This one has the metric shit-ton of angst one would expect from teenage girls - you've got the foster kid trying to fit in. You've got the spoiled rich kid hating herself over something the foster kid knows nothing about (but finds out about eventually) who leads one group of friends. You've got the spoiled rich kid's ex-girlfriend who shared in the tragedy and the guilt... and who leads the other group of friends. You've got the foster kid trying to fit in with both sets. And along the way, you get all kinds of will-they/ won't-they teasing between the three... which also leads to quite a bit of angst. :D But yes, somewhere along the way it becomes a bit like Sky High's awesome final line, and you do in fact get an actual romance as it does so. Zimmer also did an excellent job of making this a shared universe with her first book, but while making it effectively a standalone book rather than a true “series” book. So if you're into high school and/ or LGBT/lesbian romances, give this one a try. Even if you're not, this one is a good book to experiment with. As is typical of many high school based romances, there is less sex than many/ most older adult romances and more kissing. Though there is an eventual rounding of the bases. Or several. It just primarily happens “off screen”. Not for the “clean”/ “sweet” romance crowd, though I've seen little evidence of that crowd looking to the LGBT romance arena anyway. Very much recommended.

March 24, 2021Report this review