Where They Burn Books, They Also Burn People

Where They Burn Books, They Also Burn People

2021 • 498 pages


Average rating4


3.5 rounded up.

There were aspects of this book that I really enjoyed and aspects that left me feeling that the book was unfinished while also being far too long for my liking in some parts. I was especially challenging because the characters we spent the most time with were so unlikable.

I enjoyed the church's internal drama and the friar going all the way wrong while so full of good intentions (but also of even more hubris). The Cortez storyline was far clumsier and the entirety of Alara's POV seemed underdeveloped which was fine until the prophecy stuff at the end. The story itself is a very interesting concept and oddly enough for me I think it would have benefited from being longer.

January 25, 2023Report this review