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Whispers of the Vampire's Blade

Whispers of the Vampire's Blade



Average rating3


This a “spiritual” follow-up adventure to Shadows of the Last War. I note it as “spiritual” because the link to the first adventure is very weak - only in the form of 2 encounters, where one of them is only because the recurring NPC is oh-so-coincidentally also involved in this particular adventure. The goal of this adventure, chasing after a spy-turned-vampire, is not linked in any way to the previous adventure (searching for old Cannith schemas). Side note: Said vampire actually ignores several rules that define vampires for the sake of plot (so it actually was a poor antagonist choice).

But I still kind of like it, in an action movie kind of way. The adventure is basically a series of encounter sites, with the “in-betweens” generally needing the DM to wing it (and drag it out however long he/she wants to). While each set encounter is fun and has great moments, their integration is a bit weak. I suspect the design goal, like the previous adventure, was also to include unique Eberron features into play - notably, airships and the lightning rail (and like action movies, fighting on them).

It's a good attempt, but the adventure module makes the mistaken assumption that players are usually cooperative and willing to play along with what the plot needs to happen. But I think most players will come up with creative ways that will throw a wrench into the finely-laid out plot events that kinda need to happen.

Other than that, it's actually a nice plot that gives a good “spy chase” vibe, with several factions involved. A pity it doesn't really tie into the goals and motivations of the previous adventure module.