White Christmas

White Christmas

2016 • 88 pages


Average rating1


Amelia gets hit by a car and winds up somewhere a little more..how shall we say...NORTHERNLY. Where she meets David, Nick, his wife, and a whole lot of little helpers.

Someone has been sabotaging Nick's workshop, and David has been brought in to catch the culprit. Together he and Amelia try to figure out who is causing the trouble.

So I REALLY wanted to love this one. Alas, it was just really BAD. It was like one of those cheesy Holiday movies that I'd probably love watching, but reading about it was torture. The writing just wasn't good. When I say this was CHEESY, I mean seven-layers of cheese cheesy.

The romance (if you want to call it that), was MEH at best. There is NO steam in this one and ZERO sexual chemistry between David and Amelia. The premise at first was cute, but slowly got more and more ridiculous as it went on. And the ending (if you want to call it an ending) was a frustrating letdown.

So ya didn't like this one.

November 18, 2016Report this review