Wilde Child
2021 • 384 pages


Average rating3.5


It was fine, I guess - I didn't feel like either of the main characters were as developed as I would've liked. I know this is the sixth book in a series, and I guess I should maybe go back and read book four, where Thaddeus first appeared (I think), but I also think I shouldn't really need to read previous books to get a handle on a character, you know?Anyway. I wanted more Joan, because I did like her in [b:Say Yes to the Duke 52695959 Say Yes to the Duke (The Wildes of Lindow Castle, #5) Eloisa James https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1575393218l/52695959.SX50_SY75.jpg 66180385], but her character arc was a little flat - she wants to be an actress, she realizes she's maybe not as good of an actress as she thought, all the issues with the dukedom are fixed, hey now she's fine with being a duchess. I'd have liked to see her reckon a little more with her background and all that, instead of handwaving it. Thaddeus was also kind of a generic Grumpy and Proper Duke, who was semi-randomly hot and cold and it gave me a little bit of whiplash. I would've liked a bit more of the secondary romances - failed vicar and an actress and/or second-chance with a dowager duchess are both interesting concepts to me. Long story short - I didn't hate this by any means, Eloisa James is too good of a writer for that, but I doubt it's one I'll return to much. And also (not really a spoiler, but possible TMI) it seems like there are a lot of historicals where they find ways to get the female lead into breeches/pants and the male lead is Very Into It, but they never really do much with that in terms of the sex scenes? Leaving money on the table here, folks.

April 27, 2021Report this review